Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Everything you wanted to know about laser hair removal

Excessive growth of hair, especially on unwanted areas has always been an issue to both genders. We devote a lot of time and spend more money on removing hair from different parts of our bodies that we don’t feel comfortable with. The traditional hair removal methods like shaving, waxing, electrolysis and depilatories can be painful, time-consuming and to some expensive.  Laser hair removal has gain popularity over the last decade and is now among the most commonly done cosmetic procedures.
With only a snap of the finger, fine lines and unwanted hair disappear. But always take precautions because when in the wrong hands, the procedure can cause equal harm. Therefore, before you make up your mind about having the treatment done on you, you should know how and where it works, its pros and cons and other factors.
How it is done

No matter which area of your skin you want the hair removed, laser hair removal can help. It only takes a few minutes for the unwanted hair to be removed with little or no discomfort. This type of hair removal technology uses highly concentrated energy to emit pulses of light to targeted hair follicles. The same way darker clothing attracts sunlight is the way the hair pigments (melanin) attracts the laser energy. It is for this reason that this procedure works best on people with dark, coarse hair and a light complexion. However, this doesn’t mean that people without this combination can’t get the same results. The light energy is then converted to heat that damages the sacs within the skin’s hair follicles that are responsible for the production of hair. This damage delays or in other cases, inhibits hair growth in future.
Contrary to popular belief, laser hair removal does not result in permanent removal of hair although it effectively delays its growth for long periods. For initial hair removal, multiple treatments of laser hair removal are required and maintenance treatments might be required as well.
Why it is done

Laser hair removal treatment is done when you want to remove unwanted hair. The most common treatment locations lasers are used include the face, arm, underarm, leg, and bikini line. It is also possible to remove the hair from any other area of the skin except the eyelids and the areas surrounding the eyes.

How to prepare for laser hair removal

Unlike the other methods of hair removal, laser hair removal is a medical procedure that requires trained personnel to do the task and it also carries potential risks. Always check the credentials of your technician or doctor thoroughly before getting a laser hair removal. The personnel should be board certified either in cosmetic surgery or dermatology and should also have experience in laser hair removal. If a licensed nurse or a physician assistant is the one who is supposed to do the procedure on you, ensure that a doctor is available on-site to supervise during the treatment. Always be cautious about salons, spas or other cosmetic facilities since most of them allow nonmedical personnel to perform the procedure.
When planning to have the procedure done on you, first consult with a doctor to determine whether this type of procedure is an appropriate option for you. Some of the things the doctor is more likely to do include to analyze your medical history to check if you have a history of skin disorders or scarring, your medication use or past hair removal procedures. He will also discuss with you the risks involved with the procedure, benefits and expectations. The doctor may also take photos of the area you want the procedure to be done on for before and after assessments as well as long-term reviews.
If you are in the clear and can go ahead with the procedure, your doctor should give you a guide line of how you are supposed to prepare for the procedure. They include;
·         Avoid other methods of hair removal such as electrolysis, waxing and plucking for a period of up to six weeks before the treatment. This is because waxing and plucking can temporarily remove the hair roots that the lasers target.
·         Avoid exposure to the sun in the same period since it affects the effectiveness of the procedure as well as increasing the risk of complications afterwards.
·         Avoid things that can darken your skin such as tanning or sunless skin creams. If you have a darker skin or had a recent tan, your doctor may prescribe a skin bleaching cream.
·         Lastly, on the day before the treatment, shaving and trimming is recommended since hair above the skin can get burnt during the procedure and cause surface skin burns. It also leaves the hair shaft below the surface intact.

What to expect during and after laser hair removal

In most cases, laser hair removal requires a series of three to eight treatments. The interval in between will depend on the area of treatment. For instance, areas such as the upper lip where the hairs grow quickly can have an interval of four to eight weeks between each treatment. The other areas that take long for the hairs to grow may be treated after every twelve to sixteen weeks.
During the procedure

During each treatment, you will be given special goggles to wear; they are used to protect your eyes from the laser beams. You may get another shave if necessary and you might have a topical anesthetic applied to your skin to minimize discomfort during the treatment. The procedure involves a hand-held laser instrument pressed to your skin. Either a cool gel or a cooling device on the instrument’s tip might be used depending on the type of laser. This is used for your skin’s protection and to also reduce the risk of side effects.
You might feel some discomfort like a warm pinprick when the doctor activates the laser. The cooling device or gel can also give you a feeling of a sensation of cold. The time taken to complete the procedure will depend on the area of treatment.
After the procedure

You might notice swelling and redness for the first few hours after the procedure. You can apply ice on the area to minimize discomfort. Also, you may have a skin reaction immediately after the procedure, inform the doctor and he can apply a steroid cream on the area.
After every laser hair removal procedure, avoid sun exposure from both the natural sunlight and the tanning beds for up to of six weeks or as per the directions of your doctor. The same applies to internal and external heat such as hot tub, sauna, steam, hot oven, or even heavy exercise that may result in perspiration since they may stimulate melanocytes that cause hyperpigmentation.
Since the skin on the area of treatment is still tender, do not forcefully wash it, scratch or pick it. Avoid also applying creams and cosmetics on the area since they can cause skin irritations.
Side effects of laser hair removal

In most cases, laser treatment is risk-free but there are some side effects you should put into consideration if you are planning to get one.
·         The procedure involves a lot of heat to get rid of the unwanted hair which can cause skin burns in some patients. Patients with darker skins are the more likely victims since the darker pigments on their skins absorb the heat more readily. Most burns are mild but there have been a few cases of severe burns.
·         The treatment may result in hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation. Hypopigmentation is the lightening of skin after the treatment where the absorbed light hinders melanin production while hyperpigmentation is the darkening of the area after treatment caused by increased melanin production.

·         Itching, a common side effect during and after the procedure.

·         Pain, numbness and tingling around the treated area and are among the most common side effects that are considered normal.

·         Laser treatment can cause the formation of scab and crust around the treated area but on rare occasions. Luckily, they disappear as soon as they appear.

·         Infections are a very rare side effect of this treatment. But it is important to ensure hygiene after every procedure to avoid getting an infection.

Advantages of laser hair removal compared to other hair removal methods

·         The procedure is fast and quick. Every pulse of the laser takes only a fraction of a second and can treat many hairs at a go. Smaller areas such as the upper lip can take even less than a minute to be treated while larger areas like the legs can take about an hour.

·         Laser hair removal is precise since the lasers have the ability to selectively target the darker, coarse hair only and leave the surrounding skin undamaged.

·         The procedure is very effective in removing unwanted hair compared to other methods. Most patients have reported permanent hair loss after about three to seven sessions.

·         The machines used for this procedure are all user-friendly and can be used by people of all age groups.

Disadvantages of laser hair removal

·         Its main disadvantage is the cost. The fact that you have to complete up to a minimum of six sessions once you start only adds to the cost, therefore, you must be fully prepared mentally and financially before starting the sessions.

·         Another disadvantage is that only a specific type of persons can get the full results. This is because as explained above, it works best on people with lighter skin color. However, there are improvements being made on the technology to accommodate people with darker skin colors.

·         The treatment is effective only on actively growing hair, meaning it does not prevent the growth of new hair follicles making re-growth possible. Therefore laser hair removal is not always a permanent solution to your unwanted hair growth.

·         In some cases, the treatment is just effective on areas with thin hairs.

Cost of laser hair removal

The cost of getting a laser treatment is a bit pocket-friendly but several factors come into play. They include;

·         Area of treatment

The area you want to be treated is an important factor when it comes to determining the cost. Larger areas such as the back and legs are charged higher compared to smaller areas such as the upper lip. The main reason for this is because of the procedure’s preciseness and also the amount of time taken during the treatment depends on the size of the area being treated. Larger areas take long to treat compared to the smaller areas.
·         The type of hair

The length, density and thickness of the hair on the treatment area also play a role in determining the cost of treatment.
·         The number of sessions

It is important for you to know the number of sessions you are required to go for to complete the treatment since they are priced differently. The number of sessions will dictate the whole amount you will use.
·         The standard of the clinic

The standard as well as the quality of the clinic you chose to get your treatment from also determines the cost of the treatment. There are different types of hospitals and clinics that offer laser hair removal and the entire cost varies from one clinic to another. This factor depends on the level of service and luxury a clinic offers as well as the overall standard of health care.
Above all, always settle for a skilled doctor with proper experience in the field. Never accept standards that are lower to save money since you might end up with permanent body damages.
What about home lasers?

In recent times, there is the availability of lasers that you can use at home. They can cause modest hair reduction but there are no enough studies that show hoe effective or safe the home devices are compared to the ones at the doctor’s office.
Therefore, if you choose to do the home laser removal device, always read the instructions that come with it carefully and follow them to avoid the risk of getting injuries especially on the eyes.

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